Thought Provoking Scenarios


So I’ve had an interesting week so far.  I’ll start with what inspired me to blog tonight.  Another movie.  I know.  Again, redundancy with my emotions being provoked by Hollywood.  This time it was the movie, Allied. It wasn’t until the end that provided me with a thought provoking scenario, and of course tears.  What I witnessed was a woman, a mother and wife, forced to make decisions to protect her family that went against what she and her husband had been fighting for.  Those choices she made forced her to take her life (yup, spoiler alert) in order to protect her family again.  That sounds like a lose/lose situation to me.  Having no children of my own, I was moved and saddened to see what I feel that I can call “bravery” when watching her realize what she must do.  She sacrificed her own life to save that of her husbands, so he could raise their baby daughter.  Could you have done the same?  I mean, she put a gun to her head and pulled the trigger.

My second thought provoking scenario came from an email I received.  Two weeks ago I put an ad on Craigslist offering a service that I feel that I am good at and one that can also make me money.  Yet another side hustle.  I’ve been told I am a good listener, so I wrote a small ad stating that I will just listen to those who maybe can’t afford a professional or may be too embarrassed to see one.  I’ve had three responses and it is the last one that is most intriguing.  What I love about my willingness to do things that others may not, is what comes of these situations and the people I meet.   Recently, I was referred to the book The (Lost) Art of Listening by David Pomeroy.  Check it out on Amazon and please, please, please read the summary.  You will be laughing and amazed at the literary genius of his compilation of all matters in life and how it boils down to being a better listener.  I can’t wait to read it!

At this time, as it’s my usual 12:30 am and I’m ready to go to bed, I need to mention my blog picture.  I represented Housing Divas at an event at Baker today.  Last week I attended my first Women’s Leadership meeting through the Chamber of Commerce, and they asked for volunteers to do mock interviews for Teen Quest.  So I signed up and met some outstanding young men and women.  Hopefully Housing Divas will expand enough to hire some of these individuals once we get to the house flipping stage.  This program is great because your business will get reimbursed part of their wages, just for hiring Teen Quest youths.  For more information go to

Lately I have been talking a little more about my personal life and I’m happy to say that I have a date this Sunday.  I should preface that every time I mention, “I have a date” in one of my blogs, it means I have a date with someone new.  The conversation has been stimulating, but my success record since joining the dating scene is dismal at best.  But I am hopeful!

Greatness is a lot of small things done well, so go and be GREAT!

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