To A New Year

2018…First, let me apologize for the way I ended 2017.

Dear Blog,

My last post was on October 25th, my blog for Something New for Week 42 (omg that just rhymed).  I since have done maybe three Something New’s of which I did not blog about.  I also did not write anything about the books I read, but I did add them to my reading list.  I finished the year meeting my goal of reading 12 books.  I could have read more, which is why for 2018, I plan on reading two books a month.  I am happy to say that I finished one today titled, The Council of Dads by Bruce Feiler.  It was heartwarming, honest and real.  I’m giving it to my brother-in-law to read.  I feel that he may hopefully enjoy it as I have.

In regards to 2018, I feel that I will no longer be blogging.  I have, however written a few resolutions, but want to keep this year, shall I say, simplified.  Starting a blog page and writing the resolutions I did for 2017, was exactly what I needed to take my life in a different direction.  I accomplished so much more than intended and became a person that I had never been before.  I am proud of the Something New’s I did, I developed an even bigger passion for reading, I finally signed up for volunteering activities and I’ve met some incredible people.

As I start off the new year, it saddens me to realize that I am without the passion and intensity I felt last year.  This has been my issue for the last few months, resulting in my not caring to blog, to workout, or to spend time with friends.  My financial state is the main cause of my inability to do things that will greatly enhance my enjoyment of life and what it offers.  I plan on changing that.  Here are my 2018 resolutions:

  1. Focus on making more money
  2. Get my body in shape
  3. Read 2 books a month
  4. Learn to play the piano

Simplified.  Also, I have given myself a 6 month extension on moving to Florida if I can’t get my life together.  I’ll keep you posted.

Always Empowering,



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