I Love Snow Days!

I know not all of you get to enjoy snow days, but even though I was home, I was still calling clients…in my pajamas.  Boom.  Besides calling clients, I also watched two webinars about life insurance.  Today has been a great day of learning, but the rest I’ll get to later.  This morning I also did two different yoga sequences and added in a 21 Day  Arm Challenge to my daily goal of some type of physical activity.  Here I come, chiseled arms!

Today I also had a meeting with my business partner, Bridget.  We met a lawyer to discuss setting up our LLC and to learn more about the real estate world.  One of the things he showed us was a YouTube video by Dr. Ivan Misner and Stewart Emery titled, “Who’s In Your Room?” Let me tell you, the concept is explained in less than four minutes and it will blow your mind.  It’s a simple concept of our life being represented as a room where there is one door that only opens to the room, but not out of.  Therefore, who we let in our lives, is there forever.  If we use this concept in choosing who we surround ourselves with whether it be friends, business associates, or significant others, we must practice discernment or asking, “Is this person a good fit?”  The last thing they mentioned was creating a virtual doorman that we train to not let anyone in the room that doesn’t pass our values test.  It’s creating a discipline, a new behavior of sifting out the gold, if you will.  All I could think about while watching the video was how to relate the concept to my personal life, more specifically, matters of the heart.  That, my friends, will be my biggest challenge.

After that, I had my weekly dinner with Becky, Lisa and Kourtney.  Occasionally, we see a movie and tonight we watched Collateral Beauty.  It wasn’t super exciting and it wasn’t until the end that I choked up and cried, but Will Smith’s character said something in the very beginning that set the tone for the whole movie.  What he said went something like this, “Love is what people want, Time is what we need more of, and Death is what we all fear.”  Love, Time, and Death.  Let’s not forget that every day, we wake up with breath in our lungs.  We can choose to love those around us and those that we come in contact with.  We have time, every day, to make good choices, to right wrongs, and to work at leaving the world a better place.  Death comes to us all, so let’s make the most of the time that we have, and choose love.

Greatness is a lot of small things done well, so go and be GREAT!

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