My First Business Meeting!

If you are just joining this blog or haven’t checked out my home page, my business partner Bridget and I are the Housing Divas! We are beginners to the realm of real estate investing and tonight I attended my first Genesee Landlord Association meeting.  That means I met my Monthly Goal of either reading a new book, attending a business meeting or volunteering somewhere.  At this rate, I’ll be able to get in finishing a book and it would be nice to do some type of volunteering too.  If anyone has suggestions for volunteering ideas, please leave them in the comment section below.  Thank you!

I should mention that the meeting was informative and I took lots of notes.  It was nice to see so many people there and I even knew a few.  As for the rest of the day and my daily goals, I continued to do my morning routine, some type of physical activity and reading for knowledge.  Besides reading The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, I am also reading The Financial Peace Planner by Dave Ramsey and that is what I read today.  It talked about Baby Step 1 which is saving for the $1000 emergency fund, which I completed last week.  In yesterday’s blog, I mentioned wanting to start writing my personal mission statement.  Unfortunately, I couldn’t find enough dedicated time to really focus on it today, so hopefully tomorrow!

Last night I started my evening routine of meditating and it was a little harder than I thought.  Holding the meditative pose for ten minutes while breathing and emptying my thoughts wasn’t easy, but I’m sure it will get easier and more relaxing the longer I practice.  I hope you had a great Monday and an even better Tuesday!

Greatness is a lot of small things done well, so go and be GREAT!



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