Setting Goals With Dave Ramsey

I know it’s only been three days of sticking to my goals, but when I woke up this morning, I FELT READY TO GO! It’s as if things are clicking into place, giving me the confidence to look forward to waking up instead of dreading it.  Every morning pretty much looks the same: I play the Sacrifice to Succeed video to pump me up while I do a routine of Surya Namaskara yoga, I drink a cup of hot water with cinnamon and honey, then eat a half of a grapefruit before breakfast which is either eggs or oatmeal.  Oh yeah, I also did a hundred sit ups today.

While I get ready for work, I usually listen to a Dave Ramsey podcast and today’s was possibly the best one I’ve listened to in the year and a half that I have been following him.  It was specifically the first nine minutes that really connected everything together for me.  He talked about Zig Ziglar’s Wheel of Life and I just happened to have received a copy of it at the real estate seminar I attended last month.  I filled out the sheet last week and this is what it looks like:

Financial Goals- Make more money than 2016 and follow Dave’s Baby Steps to become debt free

Physical Goals- Do something active every day and be more physically fit

Intellectual Goals- Read a new book every month and read for knowledge for at least 15 minutes a day

Adventure Goals- Have more fun and go on a trip this year

Professional Goals- Go full throttle with real estate investing, get my real estate license and my securities license

Spiritual Goal- Make meditating an evening habit

Creative Goals- Make more art and learn how to sew

There are more to the goals and if you listen to Dave’s podcast, he goes into more depth about it.  You can search Dave Ramsey in your App Store or if you have a Podcast icon on your phone.  The link listed below takes you to the iTunes store and it is #6 How To Reach Your Goals.

As always, I will make sure you know that I am meeting my Daily Goals which consisted of yoga and sit ups for my physical activity and I finished reading the rest of the Office of Retirement Services website and publications for my reading for knowledge.  If you made resolutions for the new year, don’t quit.  We can do it together!

Greatness is a lot of small things done well, so go and be GREAT!

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